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School Wide Expectations

Panther Pride!

We begin every school year with an Expectations Assembly to talk with the students about our schoolwide expectations. During the first weeks, students practice what is expected in the hallway, in the bathroom, in the lunchroom and recess area, during dismissal, and on the bus.  All staff, parents, and children will know what expected behaviors look like in school.  This approach is called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports).  
PBIS is a research-based approach to establish behavioral supports needed for all students to be successful socially, emotionally, and academically.  Clear expectations are taught, modeled, and reinforced across all settings by all staff members.  
Research has shown that consequences without positive strategies are ineffective.  Teaching behavioral expectations and recognizing students' expected behavior is an important part of a child's education to help them be successful in school and in society. We utilize a district-wide Student Accountabliity Framework to address unexpected behaviors, reteach, and issue corrective responses. We hope that you will work with us to enhance the school climate at Anne Sullivan School.
Our expectations as Sullivan Panthers are to be safe, respectful, and responsible across all areas of the school. Expectations are displayed in the hallways and in all classrooms. Students can be recognized for meeting expectations by receiving Pawsome raffle tickets and Panther Paw recognition from any staff member.