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1:1 Device Information/Forms

Statement of Intent for the 1:1 Initiative

Statement of Intent for the 1:1 Initiative

In the 21st Century, the role and purpose of technology have dramatically shifted toward a fully integrated and seamless presence. Technology devices have become essential tools for teachers, just as they have for other professionals and in the business world. Our students have become the equalizer that provides access to information, the ability to collaborate, create, and connect with people throughout the world, and the opportunity for differentiation and personalization of education. District 23’s Tech Plan 3.0 articulates the following vision for technology Implementation: 

To increase and enhance the use of technology to improve engagement, elevate rigor, and transform instructional practices in the classroom and at home.

The District supports access by students and staff to rich information resources and the development of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate resources.  In today’s world, access to and manipulation of information is a critical skill.  Staff and students will have available to them appropriate technological tools necessary to explore the world from inside and outside the classroom walls.  Our belief is that information technology is provided to support our school district's mission and purpose.  All other uses are secondary. 
Device Distribution and Paperwork
All paperwork, agreements, and fee collection are to be completed through the registration process.  Student devices are anticipated to be distributed during the first week of school.  For additional questions on this subject, please get in touch with your child's principal.