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Our Mission

Our Mission

DEDICATED TO CLEAN AND SAFE SCHOOLS,  the facilities department strives to support the mission, vision and strategic plan of the District.  Fiscal responsibility, thorough planning, and forecasting drive maintaining and improving all District facilities, while providing a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, and community members.  Please visit the GROWING GREEN PROJECT tab to learn more about our efforts for providing a healthy school environment.

In July 2020, District 23 entered into a new partnership with PathoSans to provide the District's cleaning and disinfection chemistry by on-site generation with electrochemical activation technology, launching the CLEANING FOR HEALTH  initiative for the 2020-21 school year.  

Follow the link provided below to a case study of the District's efforts.


Mr. Rafael Romero

Director of Operations

Kalvin Guevara

Maintenance Supervisor

JoAnn Brant

Custodial Supervisor
