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Technology Department

Our Mission

Our Mission

The technology team assists in supporting the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the district through the appropriate integration/utilization of technology.  In an ever-evolving world of technology and the role it plays with the educational landscape, the technology team together with the Tech Connect Committee (TC) believe, that we need “To increase and enhance the use of technology as a tool to improve engagement, elevate rigor, and transform instructional practices in the classroom and at home.”

As a district, we believe that the role and purpose of technology have dramatically shifted toward a fully integrated and seamless presence. Devices have become essential tools for teachers, just as they have for other professionals and in the business world. For our students, they have become the equalizer that provides access to information, the ability to collaborate, create, and connect with people throughout the world, and the opportunity for differentiation and personalization of education. 

To fully develop an environment that supports the goals of the plan and supports our district’s mission as a department we continue to build a culture that values meaningful technology integration.  Utilizing our solid foundation as a building block, the department, the committee, and more directly our instructional support (the Technology Integration Specialist, TIS, and the Library Media Specialist) are focused on supporting the design and execution of effective instructional practices throughout all buildings.  


Student Online Date Privacy
1:1 Device Information/Forms
Educational Technology Plan (2022 - 2025)


Chris Alms

Director of Technology and Information Services

Jonathan Blake

Network Manager

Vanessa Perez

Data and Systems Manager

Jairo Ramirez

District Device Manager

Christian Chavez

Hannah Sutter
Technology Integration Specialist (K-8)