SCHOOL ABSENCE: (847) 870-3872
EDP ABSENCE: (847) 514-3267
If your child attends EDP and is absent from school, you must call the school and EDP. If your child is at school, but NOT attending EDP, you must call EDP.
Please send a note with your child or call the school office at (847) 870-3865.
What type of snack can my child bring to school? You may send a healthy snack such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers, or granola bars.
How do you celebrate birthdays? Birthdays are announced each morning, and teachers recognize students in the classroom. We do not allow birthday treats or snacks.
Does my child need special shoes for gym? If your child does not wear gym shoes to school, he/she should leave a pair at school.
Who do I contact with questions about the Extended Day Program (EDP)? Please contact the EDP Director, Kris Lebrecht at (847) 870-5370 or via email. You can also visit the
website for more information.
What are the student drop-off/pick-up expectations? Please help us ensure the safety of all the children at Anne Sullivan School by following the
drop-off and pick-up map. Students can be dropped off in the morning when there is a supervisor present at 8:15. We ask that parents stay in the line and pull up as directed by the supervisors. The first four cars will then have students dropped off. Then the next group of four pulls up and students exit their cars. We ask that students and parents do not walk across the drop-off and pick-up area because it is too dangerous. We also ask that you do not park in the lot by the drop-off and pick-up because staff members park there.
For the afternoon pick-up, we ask that parents stay in the line and pull up as directed by the supervisors. The first four cars will then pick-up their students. Then the next group of four pulls up and students enter their cars. Thank you for your assistance to make sure all students arrive and leave safely each day.
Cell phone use in School Zones - New laws ban motorists from sending text messages while driving in Illinois and make it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving through a highway construction zone or school zone. In addition, it will become illegal to compose, send or read text messages, instant messages, and e-mail on a cell phone or surf the internet while driving. The only exceptions are if the driver is using a Bluetooth or hands free device, or if the driver is calling 911 to report an emergency. The first violation carries a minimum fine of $150.00 and a minimum fine of $300.00 for the second offense. Anyone violating this offense will be charged an additional $50.00 to be paid to the school district for school safety purposes.
How can I see my child's grades? At any time, you can access your child's grades through
PowerSchool. If you need help logging in, please contact the school office at (847) 870-3865.
What school supplies does my student need?
Please contact your child's teacher to find ways you can volunteer your time. You can also become more active with the
PTO by attending meetings and special events.