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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I report a student absence?
We ask that you call in your child's absence to our school nurse, Mrs. Carlson, by 8:45 A.M. State law requires us to contact you if your child is not in school and we have not heard from you.  
Absences should be called in to our attendance phone line - 847-870-3876 - not our school office number.  This number is available twenty-four hours a day, so you may call in your child's absence as soon as you realize he/she will not be in school.   Calling this number does not require anyone in the office to write a note to report the absence.  This saves time and helps insure that Mrs. Carlson knows your child will not be in school so that you do not receive a phone call from her asking where your child is. 
What do I do if my child is late to school?
School begins at 8:25 AM. Students who are not in their classroom when the bell rings will be considered tardy and must obtain a tardy slip from the main office. Repeated tardiness will result in parent contact and/or student disciplinary action.
Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information about attendance. 

What if there is a change in my child's transportation arrangements? 
Please send a note with your child or call the school office at (847) 870-3875. Without a note, we will send your child home on the school bus if that is how the child normally goes home. 
All children who are to be excused from school prior to the regular end of the school day must "check out" through the school office.  Parents are asked to send a note ahead of time, rather than call, to request an early release for their children.  Parents are required to come into the school office to sign their children out for early dismissal.  District policy does not allow any adult to go directly to the classroom. 

What is the policy on celebrating birthdays? 
We ask that you please send your child to school with a special story he/she enjoys. On your child’s birthday, the story will be read during his/her class time. Alternative dates will be chosen for summer birthdays, based on each classroom teacher’s schedule. If you cannot send in a story, the teacher will have a selection of stories your child may choose from.  As a result of this birthday policy, students will not be permitted to bring food items or toys into the classroom on their birthdays. It is our goal to create a special occasion where your child is able to share about him/herself while being celebrated by his/her classmates. You can also celebrate your child's birthday by participating in the Birthday Book Club
If you are sending birthday invitations to school, all students in the class must receive an invitation. If all students in the class are not being invited to your child's party, you will need to send separate electronic invitations and/or use the PTO directory to mail invitations to other families. 
Where can I learn more about The Extended Day Program (EDP)?
Please refer to the EDP website or contact Kris Lebrecht at 847- 870-5370. You can also visit the website for more information. 
What school supplies will my child need? 
School supply lists are available by grade level. 

Can my student receive lunch at school?
Our district serves lunch through our food service program.

Does my child need special shoes for gym?
If your child does not wear gym shoes to school, he/she should leave a pair at school.

How can I become more involved in my child's education?
Please contact your child's teacher to find ways you can volunteer your time. You can also become more active with the PTO by attending meetings and special events. 
Frequently Asked Questions