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About Eisenhower

Welcome District 23 Families,
Welcome to the new Dwight D. Eisenhower "IKE" Elementary School website.  Eisenhower is a pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first-grade elementary school with 65 highly qualified, trained, and most importantly, nurturing staff members.  This wonderful student-to-staff ratio allows us to enjoy an outstanding level of support and instructional services.   Our school serves culturally rich and diverse communities with nearly 400 students from Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, and Wheeling.
We are looking forward to meeting and getting to know you and your family.  Our partnership and relationship are crucial in these first few years of your child's educational journey.  Besides getting to know one another, I urge you to become a member of our D23 Elementary PTO at  This wonderful organization tirelessly helps support our schools with celebrations, cultural arts assemblies, family nights, and a wonderful array of fundraisers that support student learning.

Early Childhood Programming 
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Early Childhood Special Education services for children ages three through five are provided through the school district.  ECSE professionals and related services personnel provide specialized educational services to children with disabilities in a variety of early childhood settings to meet the developmental learning needs of these children.
Early Childhood Developmental Enrichment Center (ECDEC)
ECDEC is an early childhood program that serves children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old who have been identified as being “at-risk” and who live within the School District 23 boundaries.  Students are identified as "at-risk" through the Early Childhood screening process.
Early Childhood Screening
The district offers monthly Early Childhood screenings at Eisenhower School for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years.  The screening process allows District 23 personnel to use play-based informal interactions with your child as well as a screening checklist to identify children who could be "at-risk" of developmental delays and could benefit from developmental enrichment to be prepared to begin Kindergarten on par with their same-age peers.
Half-Day Kindergarten Programming
Eisenhower School offers half-day (AM & PM) Kindergarten programming for all of our incoming kindergarten students.  Incoming kindergarten students will be screened during the first week of May. Our kindergarten screening process involves testing students on literacy and numeracy skills.  In addition, students who speak another language at home or where another language is spoken will be provided with the MODEL screening test to see if they qualify for EL (English Learner) support.  Classroom teachers hold an additional certification in EL (English Learner) instruction.
Full-Day Academically At-Risk Kindergarten Class
Eisenhower provides a Full Day At-Risk Kindergarten Class for students who are identified as academically at-risk. Students are identified during the spring screening process. 
Full-Day Spanish Bilingual Kindergarten Class
Eisenhower provides a Full Day Spanish Bilingual Class for students who are identified as fluent Spanish speakers. 
Students are identified during our spring screening process.

Building a positive outlook towards their learning will take all of our efforts, as together we work in developing your child's academic success and social-emotional growth.  If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (847) 870-5040.
Welcome to our newest Eagles!
Luke Lambatos, Ed.D., Ed.S.