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Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Welcome to MacArthur Middle School…...
Home of the Marauders!

We are proud of our students, staff and community. Our long tradition of student centered education provides a challenging curriculum with an emphasis on excellence in academics, music education, athletics, fine arts, and co-curricular opportunities.

The MacArthur Middle School faculty and staff are committed to ensuring that every MAC student is challenged at their ability level, prepared for their future in high school, college and for career readiness. We also realize that student achievement is a community project and requires the cooperation, collaboration, and communication of all community stakeholders. Parents, local organizations/agencies, and businesses play a vital role in the success of MacArthur Middle School students.

Thank you for visiting the Mac website. We hope you find it useful. We are here to serve our students and their families, and we encourage you to contact us for information, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another year of working with everyone within this outstanding school community.
"Once a Marauder…..always a Marauder"!

MacArthur Principal

Dr. Camron Nystrom
MacArthur M.S. Principal