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Educationally-related Occupational and Physical Therapy needs within the school environment may include:

  • enhancing school mobility and participation in educational activities by increasing strength, accuracy and speed
  • ensuring easier total care by maintaining flexibility
  • improving manipulative skills for self-care and paper/pencil tasks through reach, grasp and dexterity
  • enhancing comfort, participation and attending by maintaining functional postures
  • increasing functional use of hands and visual regard by providing stable positions
  • ensuring independence in feeding and oral motor skills for safety and nourishment
  • maintaining functional movement by prevention of contractures and deformities
  • facilitating safety in the school environment by decreasing the possibility of injury to student’s self or others as he/she moves or performs skills/tasks
  • facilitating safety in the school environment by decreasing the possibility of injury to student’s self or others as he/she moves or performs skills/tasks
  • facilitating access to and mobility within school by assessing and changing the environment
  • increasing functional use of extremities through adapted equipment
  • enhancing ability to learn through sensorimotor activities that address motor planning, attending and behavior issues
  • arranging preparation for vocational needs
  • promoting competency and safety of educational staff in body mechanics, handling techniques, motor skills and classroom adaptations
  • facilitating student’s independence through access to assistive technology

Assistive Technology Tools and Services
Assistive technology includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. Assistive technology includes both devices and services. As defined in IDEA:

an assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. (34 CFR 300.5)
an assistive technology service means any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. (34 CFR 300.6)

Autism Coach Consultation
Teams who work with students who are identified under the category of autism can request consultation and coaching from the special education cooperative autism coach. This service can be one-time or ongoing.

Restraint/Time-Out Reduction Plan

Per 105 ILCS 5/2-3.130, ISBE is required to establish goals with specific benchmarks to reduce the use of physical restraint, time out, and isolated time out over the next three years (beginning in the 2022-2023 school year). The following are the ISBE goals for RTO: (1) reduce the number of RTO incidents by 10% or (2) reduce the number of students experiencing RTO by 10%.  School Districts must include at least three goals in their reduction plans, including Goals 1 and 2 from ISBE and at least one additional optional goal based upon their district data.  Based on these goals, a school district is required to:

  • Create an oversight team to develop school-specific plans for reducing and eventually eliminating the use of time out and physical restraint, per ISBE goals & benchmarks, and procedures to implement the plan. The plan must include specific actions outlined in the legislation.

  • Submit a report to ISBE once each year for three years on progress made toward achieving ISBE goals and benchmarks.

  • Modify the plan as necessary to satisfy these goals.

  • Make the plan available for review by parents. (This plan is required unless a school district can show that it has not used physical restraint, time out, or isolated time out within the previous three years, and the school district has adopted a policy prohibiting these interventions and can demonstrate enforcement of that policy).

School District’s 23’s progress report for the 2023-2024 school year and reduction plan for the 2024-2025 school year have been completed and submitted to ISBE Student Care Department and was approved on June 27, 2024. Find HERE the RTO reduction plan.