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Curriculum and Instruction are the foundation for successful educational experiences. District 23 utilizes a collaborative process to review state standards, current curricula and materials, instruction. Ongoing curriculum committees review feedback from parents and students, guidelines and requirements from State and Federal entities, and best practice research from the field. Teachers and Administration work together to identify gaps in our current materials and practices and make recommendations for enhancements, improvements, and curriculum adoptions.


District 23 Curriculum Review and Adoption Cycle 
Timeline for curriculum review and proposal for adoption of new material

District 23 Social Studies Curriculum Development 2022-2023
The Social Studies Committee reviewed and identified curricula for adoption and implementation in 2023-2024.

District 23 English Language Arts Curriculum 2022
The English Language Arts Curriculum committee reviewed the Illinois Learning Standards, and  identified new materials for all of our Reading/Language Arts classes. These  areas address the standards while fully integrating technology into the classroom experience in grades K-8.
K-2: HMH Into Reading/ Arriba la Lectura
3-5: McGraw Hill Wonders/ Maravillas
6-8: McGraw Hill StudySync

District 23 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum 2021 
The Social Emotional Learning Curriculum committee identified new materials for students in grades PreK-8 to address State standards for social/behavioral expectations, digital citizenship, and bullying prevention.

District 23 Specials / Exploratory Curriculum 2021 
The Specials/ Exploratory Curriculum committees reviewed the standards, created a curriculum document and  identified new materials for all of our Specials/ Exploratory subjects. These subject areas address the standards while fully integrating technology into the classroom experience in grades PreK-8. 
Physical Education/ Health K-8 Teacher Created/ SPARK!/Glencoe Teen Health (2021)
Visual Arts K-8 - Teacher Created/Deep Space Sparkle
Music K-8 
-Teacher Created/ Quaver
Spanish 6-8 - Descubre (2022)
Applied Tech/STEM 6-8 - Teacher Created
Family and Consumer Sciences 6-8 - Teacher Created

The Math Committee reviewed the Illinois Learning Standards and identified new curriculum for adoption and implementation in the 2019-2020 school year.  

Library Media Specialists, Technology Integration Specialists, and classroom teachers articulated a new scope and sequence for library, technology and media skills and experiences to be collaboratively delivered in Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

District 23 Intervention Software Selection 2016-17
The Intervention Software Committee met to determine appropriate tools for blended learning to support at-risk students. The committee reviewed a range of products and identified some for adoption or renewal.  
District 23 Science Curriculum 
 The Science Committee reviewed the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and identified goals for curriculum adoption timeline and professional development.  

Follow this link for the Illinois State Board of Education
's page.