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Public Comment at Board Meetings

Public Comments at Board Meetings

When citizens want to address the Board of Education, they are encouraged to attend a board meeting. At the meeting, forms are provided asking for your name, address, and issue of concern. These should be turned into the Superintendent's secretary, Michelle O'Donnell, who will give them to the Superintendent or Board President so you can be recognized during the Visitor Recognition portion of the meeting. 

The format for regular agenda meetings provides two opportunities for the public to address the Board. Citizens may be asked to limit their comments to three minutes. However, if several citizens would like to address the Board on the same topic, the Board president will limit the time to two minutes per person or ask that one person represent the group. Although comments may be made on almost any matter related to the operation of schools, comments will not be allowed concerning individual students or staff members.

Depending on the agenda, citizens also may comment on agenda items following the presentation of each item and prior to a Board vote on the item. Typically an item is placed on the agenda for discussion at one meeting and for action the next meeting. 

Although the Board welcomes public comments, normally it does not respond to citizens' concerns at its meetings. However, at the citizen's request and the Board's direction, Superintendent Don Angelaccio or a designee will respond in a timely manner. If the resident would like a response from the Board, the resident may write Board members in care of the Grodsky Administration Center, 700 North Schoenbeck Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070, or email the Board.